Mr. Freeza

Another daily speedsculpt done in ZBrush. Background is google ;).

Speedsculpt: Batman










Just another daily speedsculpt 😉 This time it’s Batman!

Obito Uchiha

I’ve made this character few days ago and tweaked it to my own liking and I believe this is how it would look in real life ;)… Hope you like it.Obito Uchiha 3D

Why so serious, son?

Ok guys, it’s been a while since I’ve updated this. Well, these couple last days I’ve been working on Joker from Batman movie.

Work time: 8 hours.

Software used: Zbrush and photoshop

Old and new works

Here I decided to post some of my newiest or older works that would expand my gallery.

2D designs


Another daily speed sculpt: Sanosuke Sagara

Hey guys,

Here comes another one my daily speed sculpt. This time I’ve decided to make a character from Rurouni Kenshin – Sanosuke Sagara (one of my favourite protagonists).

Here the renderers – model was made in 2 hours.

 I hope you like it! Thank you for watching.  Have a good day!

The restrictions…

Hello everyone again who is following my blog or not…

Today morning I woke up and understood that our life is so restricted in some way or another. Though, most likely restriction is money that our society is built on. However, my biggest restriction is PC that doesn’t allow me to completely represent my artistic mind. It is so frustrating when it comes to high poly modeling and when you reach one million, ZBrush or anykind of other software works at 3FPS. It su**s… Seriously.. Frustrates me so badly that I just turn off the program and drop the work till I save energy for another painful work attempt. My 6 years old PC (if not older) is still working as it was back in the day, so kudos for that, but it’s growing old for my needs… I merely can do artistic work now.. So I guess at the very end… money is the problem.. Have to hate myself for not getting proper work to earn money for new machine.

Anyhow, I want you to represent another work that I’m doing, but I will have to redo most of it because of the FPS drop. Most likely I will seperate model into pieces and work all alone seperately and then merge the model all together.


Hey everyone.

Another funky update.

The perfection was never so close…

Hey guys. It’s been a while since I’ve posted my work here, but here is some updated Vegeta. Right now, I’m working on pediestal and doing some other tweaks. Stay tuned, folks.

Gimme a hug…. please?

And I want to thanks to my old pal Denz for constructive critisism and help. I owe you one, dude! And to Brad for motivating me to finish this piece! And thanks to everyone who helped along the way. Thank you guys for your support!